Amanda DeBisschop

Position: English Teacher

School: Leland and Gray Union Middle and High School

School District: Windham Central Supervisory Union

City, State: Townshend, Vermont

About the Nominee: Amanda DeBisschop was nominated by a colleague, Sarah Birgé.Ms. DeBisschop is one of those teachers who every student loves. She is committed to social justice, equality and creating a fair and rigorous classroom environment. Ms. DeBisschop makes sure that every student in her class knows that they matter and that they can rely on her for support. She brings modern and challenging texts into the classroom, revitalizing the 11th grade curriculum. She also teaches a co-curricular unit with a social studies teacher. Ms. DeBisschop is so beloved by the students that they dedicated last year's yearbook to her, a honor generally reserved for retiring or much older teachers.In addition, Ms. DeBisschop is a leader among the other teachers in her school and community. She founded the Gay-Straight Alliance, which is the most well-attended club at her school. She is also the note-taker for the Community Council, a school decision-making body. Ms. DeBisschop consistently contributes to events and programs with a positive spirit. In short, her student-centered approach, care for everyone in the building and efforts to support other teachers make her a true LifeChanger.

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Bette Drown


David Winski