Angela (Angie) Hilbert

Position: Fifth Grade Reading & Writing Teacher

School: Slaughter Elementary School

School District: Jefferson County Public Schools (Louisville, KY)

City, State: Louisville, Kentucky

About the Nominee: Angie Hilbert has been teaching for 16 years and will tell you herself that she still loves to come to work every day. She brings so much energy, experience, patience and expertise to the classroom. Writing is one of the most difficult subjects for many teachers to teach, but Mrs. Hilbert makes it look like a piece of cake! Students feel capable in her classroom, and they have many opportunities to be creative and write about things they care about. She helps students set goals for themselves and pushes them towards their full potential.One of the most clear examples of her impact happened the week of her nomination. While sitting at a table group with other students, one student excitedly exclaimed, "I LOVE writing. It's so fun!" This was not just any student. This was a student who struggled since starting kindergarten. This was a student who would play and distract themselves, barely writing one sentence without lots of prompting. Today, this student can routinely write one hundred words in ten minutes because of the solid, positive, encouraging instruction they've received from Mrs. Hilbert.The teachers and students at Slaughter Elementary face many challenges. Over 90% of students are eligible for free and reduced lunch, and roughly 50% of students spoke another language before they learned to speak English. Mrs. Hilbert has met each challenge with a smile and lots of love. She is a shining example of a LifeChanger!

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