Darlene Gilbeck

Position: Social Worker, Grades 4-8School: Plainview-Elgin-Millville Community SchoolsSchool District: Plainview-Elgin-Millville Community SchoolsCity, State: Elgin, Minnesota
About the Nominee: Darlene Gilbeck was nominated by her principal, Clark Olstad.Darlene Gilbeck is a relentless professional who regularly gives her heart and soul to the students and families she works with. Ms. Gilbeck spends countless hours before and after school finalizing paper work, communicating with parents and contacting county support services and law enforcement because she is devoted to helping struggling students improve their lives. It is very common for her to be at school from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every day.Additionally, Ms. Gilbeck has implemented an Anti-Bullying Program which has been well received by parents and students, with positive feedback from all involved. She has many strengths as a social worker, but one of them is her ability to teach students to be self-advocates and use their own skills to make their situation better.Her job is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding careers that anyone could pursue. It's challenging because she deals with very serious student, family and home issues on a daily basis. At the same time, it's extremely rewarding because after countless hours of effort, she can make significant improvements in a student's life and family situation! She is, and will continue to be, a LifeChanger to many students and families at Plainview-Elgin-Millville Community Schools![nominee_videos nominee_email="dgilbeck@isd2899.k12.mn.us"]


Marc Melcher


Casey Bethel