Dylan Harry
Position: Field Science Teacher
School: Fryeburg Academy
School District: Private
City, State: Fryeburg , Maine
About the Nominee: Dylan Harry was nominated by a student, Zac Mercauto.Mr. Harry is an excellent teacher who welcomed Zac into the Fryeburg Academy community. Zac states that he probably wouldn't be where he is this year without Mr. Harry's help.Mr. Harry helps students from all over the world. He's a LifeChanger because of the contributions he makes to create such a great community of students and teachers. He helps new students and tries to connect with them on a personal level, which makes his help around the school a huge asset.Mr. Harry is Zac's favorite teacher because he has changed not only his life, but the lives of other students in so many different ways.
[nominee_videos nominee_email="dharry@fryeburgacademy.org"]