Erin Smith

Position: Spanish I and II TeacherSchool: Central High SchoolSchool District: Carroll County School DistrictCity, State: Carrollton, Georgia
About the Nominee: Erin Smith is in her seventh year of teaching Spanish. She is one of the most energetic teachers one could ever have the pleasure of knowing! On a daily basis, she transforms her classroom into a vibrant, fun learning environment. Mrs. Smith personally welcomes all students into her class every day with a smile, a quick word of greeting or a high-five to let them know she cares about them, both outside and inside her classroom. She loves being able to share her second language with students and to see the excitement in their faces when they begin to speak and understand it, too.Mrs. Smith participates in professional learning on a regular basis and is a member of FLAG (Foreign Language Association of Georgia) and SCOLT (Southern Conference of Language Teachers). She enjoys attending their conferences and learning many new, great ways to inspire her students. Mrs. Smith has also co-taught several sessions at these conferences with a colleague, including one, three-hour workshop on exciting ways to introduce vocabulary. Additionally, she has had the opportunity to mentor several new teachers, including a few that were outside of her subject area. She particularly enjoys collaboratively planning with other Spanish teachers to come up with new ideas for her classroom.Mrs. Smith is very active in her school and community. She is the sponsor for the National Spanish Honor Society and encourages its members to give back to their community. While at Carrollton High School, she received a Golden Apple award from a graduating senior. Each senior chooses the one teacher who most inspired them in their school career. In the past, she has been named Teacher of the Month, a nominee for Teacher of the Year and was recently named the 2017 Teacher of the Year for Central High School.[nominee_videos nominee_email=""]


Michelle Barnette


Levi Herrin