Herman Norris

Position: Assistant Principal - 9th Grade

School: Everman Joe C. Bean High School

School District: Everman ISD

City, State: Everman, Texas

About the Nominee: Herman Norris was nominated by a colleague, Jacqueline Holly.Mr. Norris has been a part of Everman ISD for as long as anyone can remember. His influence on campus is immeasurable, and Ms. Holly states that she doesn't know what the school would do without him. He supplies students with everything they need to be successful. Sometimes, that comes in the form of pencil, pens, or temporary IDs. Other times, Mr. Norris provides a comforting word or a sobering story meant to inspire or encourage students to choose education as a means of improving their situation. Mr. Norris himself is from a very humble beginnings and he is not ashamed to share his story with our students. Ms. Holly is pleased to know him and considers him a LifeChanger in the Everman community!

[nominee_videos nominee_email="hnorris@eisd.org"]


Pamela Wermuth


Pamela Fowler