Katherine Grady

Position: School Psychologist

School: Turtle Creek Elementary School

School District: Delavan-Darien School District

City, State: Delavan, Wisconsin

About the Nominee: Katherine Grady was nominated by her principal, Rebecca Zahn.Ms. Grady has been instrumental in building a positive school climate that is focused on celebrating Turtle Creek's diversity, viewing student discipline in the form of teaching and maintaining a growth mindset. She fosters positive relationships with students, staff, parents, administration and the community. Ms. Grady works tirelessly to advocate for all students, especially students with IEP's and those who are at risk. She has deep empathy and compassion for students, yet holds them accountable. Ms. Grady views the whole child and understands the importance of teaching students academic, social and emotional skills.Although she has the credentials, qualifications and experience to work in an affluent school district, Ms. Grady has remained at Turtle Creek so that she can improve educational outcomes for students in poverty. She is a member of the Focus School Team, PLC Leadership Team and an active participant in PBIS. She has also taken a leadership role in providing professional development to staff so they're able to identify power standards, unpack standards and develop common formative assessments. Ms. Grady provided PD in differentiation so that students at all levels are receiving rigorous, accessible instruction, and she supports staff in analyzing and understanding data. Additionally, during district-wide inservice she co-presented to all staff on poverty and its impact on children. Ms. Grady is not only an invaluable member of the Turtle Creek Elementary School team; she is the epitome of a LifeChanger!

[nominee_videos nominee_email="kgrady@ddschools.org"]


Arlene Anderson


Marci Waldron-Kuhn