Michael Brown

Position: English Teacher

School: Nevada Union High School

School District: Nevada Joint Union High School District

City, State: Grass Valley, California

About the Nominee: Michael Brown was nominated by a colleague, Mike Blake.Mr. Brown has taught English in his district for over 30 years. During his career, he has served as a mentor teacher and has been a "quiet" leader within the English department. For over 20 years, Mr. Brown has been instrumental in the development and implementation of career and college planning during sophomore year. What started as a "paper/pen" project has evolved into a tech project because of Mr. Brown upgrading and improving the curriculum as more information and guidance sites have become available. He is constantly adding new ideas and pruning those that no longer apply.As an educator, he has always focused on developing a relevant curriculum where students are challenged to envision their lives in the future. He teaches the core works required by the department, but makes them relevant by showing how the decisions made by characters directly impact their futures. The "Sophomore Project" is relevant and inspirational to students, whether they are pursuing college or career goals after high school. Mr. Brown has presented at several national and state conferences that emphasize CTE and post-secondary training/education. He has a big heart for his students and wants them to succeed in their lives after high school. He cares about them and is always there to help and encourage them. Mr. Brown is the quintessential professional who has high expectations and the compassion to help students succeed.

[nominee_videos nominee_email="mbrown@njuhsd.com"]


Virginia Walker


Stephen Touma