Shandale Morgan
Position: First Grade Teacher
School: Evergreen Elementary School
School District: Conecuh County Board of Education
City, State: Evergreen, Alabama
About the Nominee: Shandale Morgan was nominated by a colleague, Tracy Hall.Ms. Morgan is a seasoned teacher. Everyday, one can see her smiling. She loves what she does and after all of these years, she still smiles. She is a leader to other teachers, and she inspires others through her leadership. Ms. Morgan works to better the school, providing valuable input through meetings and teacher-led professional development. She is extremely good at her job, and after many years, she holds the same amount of passion as she did at the beginning of her career. Evergreen Elementary has a saying that they are STARS: Students and Teachers Achieving Remarkable Success Together. She embodies that statement and definitely achieves remarkable success.
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