Susan Stanzione
Position: Physical Therapist / STRIVE Program CoordinatorSchool: Holmdel Township Public SchoolsSchool District: Holmdel Township Public SchoolsCity, State: Holmdel, New JerseyAbout the Nominee: Susan Stanzione was nominated by a colleague, Doreen Riegal.Individuals who embrace and advocate actively and passionately for others on a daily basis are inspirational. Ms. Stanzione is one of these special individuals. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude empowers students and staff alike to feel they have the ability to accomplish great things. She takes on the daily challenge of removing barriers for her students that would have otherwise limited their participation in school and community activities.When a need is identified for her students, Ms. Stanzione actively advocates for them and offers creative solutions, such as the development of the STRIVE Program. She developed this after school job sampling club with a colleague eight years ago when she realized her students did not have enough opportunity to develop basic work skills and engage in career awareness. She also brought in Unified Sports and other programs that have been instrumental in the integration of students with disabilities with typical peers.For over 25 years, Ms. Stanzione's dedication to Holmdel and its students has positively influenced the community to be its best.