Yvon Roland
Position: Student & Parent Counselor
School: Cumberland Academy of Georgia
School District: Private
City, State: Atlanta, Georgia
About the Nominee: Yvon Roland is one of the full-time counselors at Cumberland Academy of Georgia, a school that serves students on the autism spectrum and with other special needs. Ms. Roland started at Cumberland two years ago as an intern. She made such an amazing connection with staff and students that the school hired her full time after her internship was complete. Ms. Roland spends all day on her feet, helping students stay emotionally regulated, teaching social skills and assisting classroom teachers. Many times, when a student has a crisis, she is already at their side, easing them gently into her office to help them calm down and process what happened. Whether it's individually or as a class, she is always helping students become their best selves. Ms. Roland offers useful strategies to students for navigating a world that doesn't quite "get" them and helps advocate with teachers to make sure they understand their students' point of view.
[nominee_videos nominee_email="yvon.roland@cumberlandacademy.org"]