Your guide to celebrating K-12 school
employees in the classroom and beyond
Success in the 403(b) space comes down to the quality of your relationships - with clients, prospects, gatekeepers, and everyone in between. That’s where National Life Group’s LifeChanger of the Year comes in.
Since 2011, LifeChanger of the Year has celebrated thousands of exemplary K-12 school employees and provided them with the resources they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. Our flagship K-12 marketing program has helped hundreds of agents build credibility and gain access to markets where they want to do business by providing a completely turnkey sales support operation.
When we say this program is turnkey, we really mean it. There’s a little leg work required on your part, but National Life does 99% of the heavy lifting, whether it’s by planning surprise events or celebrating nominees on national TV programs like The Today Show.
Our step-by-step guide will show you how LifeChanger of the Year works and how to use it to your advantage.
Agent Success Checklist
Need a physical copy of our guide? Download our step-by-step checklist here.
Step One: Introducing LCOY
It all starts with introducing the LifeChanger program to K-12 school districts and encouraging nominations in your market.
What we do: We share information about the LifeChanger program with key stakeholders, including principals, superintendents, and communications contacts. And although this is a national program, our tailored approach focuses on key school districts where you can grow your business.
What you can do: If you know a K-12 teacher or school employee in need of well-deserved recognition, we encourage you to nominate them today.
If you don’t have a nominee in mind, it’s also meaningful when the nomination comes from a principal, colleague, or student close to the nominee (plus, there’s less work on your part). Follow the instructions on one of these compliance-approved templates to reach out to the principals of schools where you’d like to generate nominations.
Promotional Brochure
Cat #107417
To order a customized version with your agency’s logo through CoBrand, use Catalog #107594.
Promotional Postcard
Cat #107821
Promotional Poster
Cat #65634
To order a customized version with your agency’s logo through CoBrand, use Catalog #65634.
Promotional Videos
Step Two: Introducing Schools to Their LifeChangers
What we do: After submitting a nomination, the nominator receives a confirmation email automatically. We also send a congratulatory email to the nominee with a brief explanation about the LifeChanger program and why they were nominated. Once we verify the nominee’s eligibility, we create an online profile where students, parents, and colleagues can leave supportive comments and learn about the nominee.
What you can do: Once a nominee’s profile is posted, follow the instructions on one of these compliance-approved templates to notify the nominee’s principal about their nomination, share the profile link, and encourage them to spread the word.
TIP: Make sure to highlight the comment section at the bottom of a nominee’s profile.
Time and time again, we’ve heard from nominees and school administrators alike that reading the profile comments is one of their favorite parts of the LifeChanger program. If the nominee doesn’t have any comments yet, feel free to show the principal Ekuwah Moses’ profile as an example. Ekuwah received 54 comments and was chosen as the Grand Prize Winner, winning $10,000 to share with her school.
Step Three: Presenting the Nominee With Their Certificate
What we do: Our team makes sure each nominee feels appreciated by sending them a personalized certificate celebrating their nomination.
What you can do: As a National Life agent, you have the opportunity to present the nominee with a physical copy of their certificate. This is the perfect opportunity to get your foot in the door and deepen relationships with the nominee, their colleagues, and administrators.
Follow the instructions on one of these compliance-approved templates to schedule a certificate presentation with the nominee’s principal.
Customizable Certificate
Customizable Poster
Cat #65058(1223)
To order a customized version with your agency’s logo through CoBrand, use Cat #106131(1223).
Customizable Big Check Template
This big check template is a customizable 36” x 18” PDF file and should only be used if your nominee is a National Life Group LifeChanger of the Year award winner.
Step Four : Showing #LCOY Spirit
What we do: Comments and certificates aren’t the only ways to celebrate LifeChangers. We share each nominee’s story on social media and with the local press, making sure to mention the local agencies in their market.
What you can do: We’ve seen school districts come up with really creative ideas to rally behind their nominees, from school assemblies, to t-shirts, to social media campaigns. Follow the instructions on one of our compliance-approved templates to encourage school administrators to go above and beyond to support their nominee.
TIP: Make sure to mention the LifeChanger Spirit Award, which is given to the nominee whose school demonstrates the most support for their nomination. This is a $5,000 cash award shared between the nominee and their school.
Customizable Poster
Cat #65058(1223)
To order a customized version with your agency’s logo through CoBrand, use Cat #106131(1223).
Customizable Nominee Hand Out Card
Cat #64556
Step Five : The Home Stretch
Nominations close December 31st, after which the selection committee will determine the top 15 winners, including the Grand Prize Winner.
What we do: When the winners are chosen, we work directly with their schools to coordinate surprise events where the winners receive their awards. If you have a winner in your market, we’ll notify you and give you the opportunity to participate in the surprise.
What you can do: Now is a critical time to drum up support in your community, whether it’s by encouraging others to leave comments, or by hosting a larger event. The selection committee takes all comments into consideration when determining winners
Follow the instructions on one of our compliance-approved templates to take school administrators through the home stretch.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
For Agent Use Only - Not For Use With the Public
TC 138604(1223)3