Mike McEachern

Position: High School Athletic Director
School: Hargrave High School
School District: Huffman ISD
City, State: Huffman, Texas
About the Nominee: Coach Mac is the kind of person you want to be on your team. He is caring, outgoing and will help anyone out when needed. He is the type of Coach you see in documentaries. He has a winning attitude and is always the first to jump in and help athletes/students to succeed - not only athletically, but also in life itself. Coach Mac is a teacher and coach for many Huffman ISD students and takes a personal interest in mentoring these young men. He helps them see that no matter what life hands you, you can succeed with hard work and the right people on your side.This year, Coach Mac started a program called BAM - (Becoming A Man) - for young men who may not have a male role model in their life. This program involves students coming back to school in the evenings to meet with coaches, volunteer dads and student leaders. Students have dinner and visit with guest speakers to talk about the future, life, and success. This program helps motivate and give guidance to these young men. Teaching, coaching and helping these young students is Coach Mac's life passion and he is a LifeChanger for many of them.[nominee_videos nominee_email="mmceachern@huffmanisd.net"]


Katherine Villone


Julie Raynor