Christi Blakemore
Position: Computer Science Teacher / Student Council Advisor
School: Healdton High School
School District: Healdton Public Schools
City, State: Healdton, Oklahoma
About the Nominee: Christi Blakemore was nominated by her principal, Justin Kana.Mrs. Blakemore is a LifeChanger at Healdton High School and in her community because of her love for the school from which she graduated and the town in which she was raised. She is actively involved in all aspects of the school system, from teaching computers to advising the student council. She is also the district technology director and the owner of the town's newspaper.Mrs. Blakemore is true blue and a bulldog to the core. Her school spirit and love of her students is evident in all that she does for Healdton. She organizes Spirit Week activities each year during the football homecoming, hosts numerous blood drives in conjunction with the Oklahoma Blood Institute as a service project for Student Council, coordinates a Veteran's Day Assembly and performs any task assigned her to the best of her abilities. She has definitely touched every student's life that she has encountered during her tenure!
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