Dallas Masoner
Position: Seventh and Eighth Grade English Teacher
School: Royster Middle School
School District: USD #413
City, State: Chanute, Kansas
About the Nominee: Dallas Masoner is a great teacher! He is going into his 23rd year of teaching at Royster Middle School, and he is still in the same classroom as he was when he started the job. Mr. Masoner has been part of a lot during his career, including the Football and Track and Field teams, as well as Yearbook and other activities. He is always willing to help a student when they need support. His nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous, personally considers him a great friend today, even though they haven't had him as a teacher in years. He has adapted to the many changes in education over the years and has stayed positive. This year, Mr. Masoner is collaborating with another teacher to teach a new class. This shows how willing he is to adapt and how he is still creative, even after 23 years. Mr. Masoner is an excellent LifeChanger!
[nominee_videos nominee_email="masonerd@usd413.org"]