Michelle Johnson

Position: Science Teacher

School: Royster Middle School

School District: USD #413

City, State: Chanute, Kansas

About the Nominee: Michelle Johnson is an amazing LifeChanger! She took over a class from a very beloved teacher and has filled their shoes perfectly. Ms. Johnson teaches a class called "Seven Habits" which uses a book written by Stephen Covey, but her course also has a lot of original instruction that educates students about life. Some examples are relationships, how to be a good person, etc. She is excellent with students who have struggled or are currently struggling. Middle School is a challenging time for students, but she makes it seem easy by radiating positivity every day. Ms. Johnson is as beloved as her predecessor and an incredible LifeChanger in her community!

[nominee_videos nominee_email="johnsonmi@usd413.org"]


Ryan Luke


Dallas Masoner