Elizabeth Rothrock
Position: Math InterventionistSchool: Northview Middle SchoolSchool District: Metropolitan School District of Washington Township City, State: Indianapolis, IndianaAbout the Nominee: Elizabeth Rothrock was nominated by her principal.Ms. Rothrock’s strong relationships with students and colleagues, coupled with her tireless work ethic have quickly made her an emerging teacher-leader in her district.Her most impressive work has been through her position as a math interventionist in the Northview Middle School's Mathematics Department. This was a new position for Northview this year; it’s a full-time intervention role serving all grade levels of students in middle school mathematics. In this role, she is often working with many of the students that really struggle, either in mathematics or behaviorally. Through highly effective systems and routines, as well as high expectations for her students, her classroom has become a model for intervention instruction. This is proven by her classroom data.Based on the mid-year NWEA measurement, Ms. Rothrock’s students had the highest growth of any middle school classroom in the district. Through ongoing monitoring with the NWEA Survey for Goals, 90% of her students have already met their full-year growth goal. In fact, Ms. Rothrock’s intervention model was so successful that another school in the district, Westlane Middle School, will be replicating it next year in their building.In addition to her work in the classroom, Ms. Rothrock has stepped up in a variety of capacities throughout the year. Her involvements include the following sampling: Head Coach of Northview Girls’ Soccer, Basketball and Softball teams, Coordinator of the After-School Soccer Mentoring Program, Math Department Representative for the Northview RTI Committee, and Volunteer Chaperone for several competitions. Needless to say, it would be hard to realize that Ms. Rothrock is a first year teacher. She has been a model teacher for Northview and the district and they are proud to have her![nominee_videos nominee_email="Erothrock@msdwt.k12.in.us"]