Kristiana Dominguez

Position: Seventh and Eighth Grade Math Teacher & Student Success Team Facilitator

School: Pershing County Middle School

School District: Pershing County School District

City, State: Lovelock, Nevada

About the Nominee: Kristiana Dominguez was nominated by her principal, Cindy Plummer.Mrs. Dominguez goes above and beyond to help each and every student in her class become proficient in math. Whenever necessary, she spends extra time assisting her students with learning math skills. She also seeks professional development opportunities to stay abreast of current best practices. Former students that are in high school will return to her to ask for help on their math work. She's kind and endears herself to students.Mrs. Dominguez is also the Student Success Team Facilitator. She works with other staff members to analyze data in order to find areas of both strengths and needs for all of her school's students.. She facilitates professional development for her school when dealing with data.Additionally, she has been instrumental in bringing in Student-Led Conferencing. Last year, the school began the three-year process of rolling out this conferencing method, starting with the sixth grade. This year, they will include sixth and seventh graders in these parent discussions.Mrs. Dominguez also facilitates a parent data session during her school's bi-annual Parent University evenings. She shows parents what the data means in relationship to where their child is at and when they need to be by the end of the school year. These powerful, fierce conversations have helped engage parents in data awareness for their child. Mrs. Dominguez is a tremendous asset to her school!

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