Merredith Sears

Position: History Teacher

School: Handley High School

School District: Roanoke City Schools

City, State: Roanoke , Alabama

About the Nominee: Merredith Sears was nominated by a colleague, Amy Moody.Mrs. Sears is a 28 year veteran teacher who maintains a zest for education. She is a heralded history teacher at the high school, but she is also a video production artist for high school athletics. She spends countless hours creating engaging lessons, assisting students with applications, tutoring and creating motivational videos for her students. Mrs. Sears is a born educator who has created a legacy by assisting countless numbers of students in securing scholarships and financial aid to pursue higher education. This support has led to numerous college graduates. Even after these students find success, she continues to mentor them and follow their career pursuits.Mrs. Sears, with the assistance of her students, creates professional quality videos for high school athletics as motivational tools. These videos are infamous in the Roanoke community during football and basketball seasons. They aren't only motivational - they also allow students to express themselves and delve into learning more technical content about creating videos.Lastly, Mrs. Sears demonstrates a tremendous amount of passion on a daily basis for the content she teaches. In addition to teaching United States History II, she has designed a local class curriculum called "Community Studies." Through this course, she brings a diverse group of students together to study the content from local history that she has chosen for the year. She shares these lessons with students at both the high school and elementary school. The class culminates in a field trip led by her students. This teacher is an amazing LifeChanger in her community.

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Kristi DuBose


Kunane Burns