The idea of unlearning traditional systems and practices is not a new one and is regularly commented on by educational thought leaders such as Sir Ken Robinson and Dr. John Hattie. Throughout the world, however, our schools still resemble, in many ways, the nineteenth-century industrial factory model. During this webinar, participants will explore the theory that many of our ingrained notions about leadership must be unlearned in order to prepare us appropriately for the schools and workplaces of the future. In short - you’ll be energized to think, act, and do leadership differently.
When we talk about improving student outcomes, there’s one perspective that can get lost in the shuffle: that of the students! Engaging with a variety of student voices can help school leaders become better listeners and, ultimately, make more informed decisions. In this webinar, you’ll not only find out why you should engage student voices as collaborators in leading, but how you can make it happen.
People often speak in terms of being the “best version of yourself.” The truth is there’s no such thing as the best version of yourself, only the next version of yourself. We are all Unfinished. This webinar will help you understand what it means to practice “unfinished leadership” in a school setting. It’s not about having all the answers, but about providing support for students and staff, staying focused on the big picture, and guiding others through the best and worst of times.