Ryan Luke

Position: Assistant Principal / Athletic Director

School: Chanute High School

School District: USD #413

City, State: Chanute, Kansas

About the Nominee: Ryan Luke was nominated by a student, Dustin Vargo.Ryan Luke is a great person all-around, and a deserving LifeChanger. He is a personal idol to his nominator, Dustin Vargo. Dustin has thought about going into education after college, and he aspires to be like Mr. Luke.This is Mr. Luke's first year as Athletic Director at Chanute High School after serving as assistant principal last year. He is a very compassionate man who is always there for any of his students if they have a concern or if they just need someone to talk to. He is excellent at his job as a Building Administrator and is a proven leader.Mr. Luke helped Dustin tremendously on his first day at Chanute High. The office accidentally wrote down the wrong locker combination for Dustin, and he couldn't open his locker. Ten minutes after 1st Hour began, Dustin still couldn't get it open. Mr. Luke was the first person to come down the hallway and ask if he needed help. He led Dustin to the office and helped him get the right combination to his locker. After that, he even took him to his 1st Hour classroom, even though he was new himself and wasn't exactly sure where it was. Mr. Luke probably had other things to do on that first day, but instead he helped one lost student find their way to their classroom. Dustin says that he will never forget that experience and believes that it shows how great a person Mr. Luke is. He personally refers to Mr. Luke as a good friend.Overall, Mr. Luke is a great LifeChanger and one of the best administrators one could ever meet!

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Donte Todd


Michelle Johnson